
Here is an update on the robins, which we have nicknamed Ginger and Gilligan. The eggs must have hatched without our knowing it because one day we noticed a little bird's head peaking out of the nest. Too bad we missed that..if we were only a few feet higher, we probably could have seen them breaking out of their shells! But we are now witnessing their unbelievably fast growth into little birds. It's really a fun process to witness so closely the whole thing from the very beginning.

They made it through the storm this weekend, even with a tornadoe threat in the forcast. We  found an empty nest strewn on the ground near our house, showing that some other babies were not so fortunate. For Ginger and Giligan though, the abnormal downpour has at least provided an ongoing feast of worms for their little ones. For the past few days, I've seen the robins doing nothing other than searching for worms, feeding them to their four babies and repeating the cycle all day long. Here are some pictures.


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