
Reflections and Goal for the Week

I have not had much time to pursue my creativity in the past weeks. Most of my time lately has been devoted to producing a more steady income through other work. Sacrifice for financial stability has proven just as much a necessity and goal as being an artist....as well as the catalyst to actually being the artist that I want to be.  Eventually I really hope to be able to put more towards my art as a result. But for now, there are necessities that are difficult, but strangely....welcome. I have realized how it is somehow fulfilling to have to fight, sacrifice, push, pull, and work through obstacles to make my dreams come true as an artist.

I have also realized that frustration with things- life circumstances, finances, myself, whatever...has become one of my most effective tools. I really think and maneuver through things as a result of that irritation. I am able to formulate great ideas and get things done. I do things I would have never done otherwise.  This has been a great discovery. Now, if I could wield fear in the same manner- that would be quite the victory! That is my prayer.

Its funny to me, that even as I write, all this art stuff is changing me so much! I am so grateful. I had no idea, nor could I ever have imagined that it could stretch me like this-to be more of what God designed.

I am trying to come up with some ideas to pursue art in new, unexpected ways. As my favorite means of creativity are currently unavailable due to needed repairs, I have not branched out much lately. I want to though...so I am in search of some things I can do that are:
1. Free  2. Currently available to me  3. Fun  and not what I would call a "creativity frustrator" and 4. Different

That's my goal for the week.  : )

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"Beauty brings copies of itself into being. It makes us draw it, take photographs of it, or describe it to other people." ~Elaine Scarry

Photography & Artwork © Cassie Tedder. Please be conisderate by not stealing or copying with out permission. Thanks!