
Senior Pics- Town & Country

I got to do a photo shoot for my sister-in-law's senior photos this year and it was such a blast! She was so fun to photograph (and so beautiful!) that it made my job easy. We really had a great time and it will always be a special memory for me. I felt honored and joyed to do this with her. Not only  have I eaten up this wonderful time with my new sister, but I am so proud of her and excited for her and whatever she does in the years to come! Here are just a few of the pictures from our shoots in Indiana and Nashville. There are more displayed in my flickr album, and even more to come : )






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"Beauty brings copies of itself into being. It makes us draw it, take photographs of it, or describe it to other people." ~Elaine Scarry

Photography & Artwork © Cassie Tedder. Please be conisderate by not stealing or copying with out permission. Thanks!