
Oh how I love Spring!

Ahhh, glorious spring, how I love thee!!! I have been overwhelmed with joy over all the blooms here in Nashville this spring. For a week I felt submerged in this strange land with strikingly white fluffly trees everywhere. It felt like I was in a winter wonderland because they resembled snow so much. But it wasn't cold and so much new greeness accompanied the white trees' debut. I suppose this is what it would be like to have warm snow if there was such a thing. Anyways, these new signs of life juxtaposed with the white snowy-looking trees made for a strange yet glorious display!

I also have the most lovely drive to work everyday and it has become more and more lovely as the days progress. New trees are always budding and I have been blessed by their arrival. I get to witness their transformation each day as they reach their height of outstanding beauty. They come near falling over due to the weight of so many colorful blossoms. It is almost ethereal driving along the rolling hills dotted by beautiful mansions and grand estates dressed up by the wondrous lawns, forest woods and lots and lots of trees...and therefore dreamlike amounts of beautiful spring flowers everywhere.

Not only does my drive invigorate and inspire me, but there is plenty to take in at our house and everywhere else it seems. We even came home to a little surprise the other day. Amidst all the beauty of the spring flowers and green life, this was like the icing on the cake for me and my husband....a robin decided to start making a nest in the tree right next to our living room window! We are so excited to see little baby birds peeping their heads out of the nest soon declaring their arrival and new life in the world. Sigh. Such a fun time in the year-so much renewal, life and lush beauty to behold!


I am fortuate to have my camera back just in time...thank goodness! I have already captured some beautiful images and am working on some of my favorite overlays yet! I'm so excited to share them soon!

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"Beauty brings copies of itself into being. It makes us draw it, take photographs of it, or describe it to other people." ~Elaine Scarry

Photography & Artwork © Cassie Tedder. Please be conisderate by not stealing or copying with out permission. Thanks!