Giving Back

As an artist, I long to use my gifts to help people and give back to my community.

I am currently a sponsor, consultant and volunteer for One Less Ministries, a non-profit, faith based organization whose mission is: one less orphan, one less victim of human trafficking, one less victim of sexual exploitation, and one less victim of poverty. Part of every purchase you make through Cassie Tedder Art & Photography goes to help One Less Ministries efforts to rescue and aid these victims. To find out how you can help One Less Ministries, feel free to visit their website for more information or contact me.

In addition, I volunteer and teach through a local non-profit arts organization, Carpe Artista. The ultimate goal of Carpe Artista is to alter the role of pop culture from accepting negative and destructive attitudes and behaviors to creating positive and productive pathways for future cultures through the arts. They focus on providing opportunities for young artists in multiple creative disciplines to be infused with skill, character and vision. To find out more, how to get involved, or to learn more about creative opportunities and upcoming classes, visit their website.

"Beauty brings copies of itself into being. It makes us draw it, take photographs of it, or describe it to other people." ~Elaine Scarry

Photography & Artwork © Cassie Tedder. Please be conisderate by not stealing or copying with out permission. Thanks!