
Things have been really busy around here. I've been working a lot and entertaining, as well as hosting friends and family for visits...all of which keeps things very busy. It is a great blessing and leaves me very fulfilled although a little too drained to be very creative. One thing I have done in between the business is decorate my art work space and corner. I am doing a lot of brainstorming about decorations for our new home that we are moving into next month. As a result, it has excited me to see the evolving artistic passions spilling out from my interest in homemaking. I might be shooting too high, but I am determined to learn all things sewing in addition to my other media. I would love to upholster, paint and antique furniture, work on wall murals, make all our house linens and more to sell, and much more. Fortunately, I had a great sewing lesson this week from my mom, who is an incredible seamstress, quilter and artist herself. I am thrilled about having a larger studio in our new house, and can't wait to set it up to be even more inspiring and conducive to lots of creating!

I am beginning a new series on vintage windows like you see in the picture below. I have had many requests for them, so I can't wait to begin working on them!


  1. Love it! So neat to see your space half way across the country. I know the girls will love seeing it too. How nice to have your mom there and learn about sewing. Can't wait to see what you create!

  2. Cassie! I love this. I am so excited for you to be able to decorate your new home! (i almost typed house, but this really will be a HOME for you guys!) Also, that tablecloth is pretty stinkin' awesome!

    Miss you!

  3. oh my word this is so cute!! can you design my house when i own one. i know for one thing when i own my own house all my prints to decorate are coming from your pictures. seriously they are so good, and i just found out you had a blog and now it is bookmarked ha. love you!


"Beauty brings copies of itself into being. It makes us draw it, take photographs of it, or describe it to other people." ~Elaine Scarry

Photography & Artwork © Cassie Tedder. Please be conisderate by not stealing or copying with out permission. Thanks!