
Fall is Upon Us

Fall is about to hit full swing here..and I got a few shots of the trees in their beginning stages of change. I can't wait to see all the trees in their fullest crimson and gold soon! You can expect more of these to come. I took an entire card's worth of just one tree...sigh. When I told my husband, he was not the least bit surprised by it! I thought it was hilarious. : )

This one, believe it or not, was actually this radiant of a magenta color...something I have never seen before! 

Also, as some of you know, my husband and I love artichokes. I was making them for dinner one night and thought, "These are just so cool looking...they are definitely picture worthy! I mean, why not...?" So it was one of those random moments where I stop in the middle of dinner to do a photo shoot...not an uncommon occurrence-ha!  It was also one of those moments where I thought, "Okay, this could look totally dumb, but whatever"...and to my surprise, the pictures actually turned out way cooler than I expected. So here is one...it is more of a reflection of the fun, random and spontaneous moments for me as a photographer than anything else. : ) 

Also random, was what I found sitting on top of our trash can one morning...a little grey frog! I am not sure how he even got up there, but he (why I assume he was a boy I am not sure...?) was as content as can be watching the neighborhood from up there. I love frogs, probably because my brother had so many as pets when we were growing up. So..it made me smile.

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"Beauty brings copies of itself into being. It makes us draw it, take photographs of it, or describe it to other people." ~Elaine Scarry

Photography & Artwork © Cassie Tedder. Please be conisderate by not stealing or copying with out permission. Thanks!